Tuesday, May 17, 2016

WAY Too Long

3 YEARS?!?!?!?!?!

Has it really been 3 years since I have posted here? Wow, I have been slacking. I think I started this to get myself in the mood for dunk tank season when it was far away, or to open up about upcoming events that I was really excited for. Let me give a brief catch up for the last few years.

The VBS event has become an annual thing. My wife gets in the tank the setup day, at the carnival itself, and on tear down day. Each year, she gets dunked at least 75 times.

Believe it or not, it's not just me that looks forward to her being in the tank....EVERYONE does. Her personality in the tank makes it really fun for everyone and the kids (and adults) love it. They want her to stay up there forever, and she often does. She often even goes up a second time. It is the highlight of the festival.

Even though this happens every year and I love it, I would still love to get her in one of my hometown dunking machines, with the side falling seat, deeper tank, and sitting higher above the water. Can't be greedy, I know, but it would just be a lot of fun. Here's to hoping that happens sometime.

Anyway, I am still alive, and still dunking away! Here's to a good summer!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

VBS Starts!!

Well, it's that time again. VBS starts tomorrow! You know what that means.... four days until we pick up, set up, fill up, and use up the dunk tank. I have oddly been a bit less excited by it until now. I don't want to say I've seen a lot of it and am not interested, because I am.... VERY! I've just been so busy that I haven't thought about it. But it is here! Time to pick out outfits for J! I am definitely getting up there in jeans. Can't wait. More to come, I'm sure....

To be continued....

Doc's latest

For those that don't know Doctor Splash, you are missing someone special. Doc is a great guy, a good friend, and a mature, intelligent ear who can put into perspective this weird obsession. He made me realize it's not so weird and that there are other people who are into the same thing. He also made me realize that being honest with my wife about my "interests," it is better than keeping it suppressed. He couldn't be more right. 

Doc's latest model, Jayce, is a cute Southern girl with a great dunk tank personality. I am really enjoying the videos he has of her. Here is a sample. Check out more at www.doctorsplash.com. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Maria gets dunked!

Well, anyone that knows me knows that my not-so-secret celebrity crush is on Maria Menounos. She's definitely on top of my Top 5 list, and the only one on a "free pass" list. She is gorgeous, love her personality, and now... SHE'S BEEN IN A DUNK TANK!! Words cannot do justice to the sight of Maria all wet in the tank.... so enjoy!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

7th Grade Town Festival

I can remember this year more vividly than any other before. This was the one that stuck. This was the one that set the standard. The cheerleaders ran the dunking machine just like they always did, but this year was different... I knew who the girls were sitting up there.

It was a three day festival, starting Friday after school. After dinner, I went downtown to see the setup and of course, catch the dunking machine. As I walked down the midway, I saw the white tank with colored flags around it. I could see a dark haired girl in a black t-shirt sitting on the seat. As I got closer, I was floored.... "Holy shit! That's Amy!" I didn't know her personally, but I knew who she was. She was soaking wet and had her legs curled back almost under the seat. I could tell she would rather not be doing this, but she sat there and took her dunkings.

After some time, Amy got down and dry girl got up there... "Holy shit!! That's LeAnn!!" I didn't know her personally either, but I knew who she was, and I was friends with her brother.... oh and she was GORGEOUS! She had a grey sweatshirt that had all elastic around the collar, cuffs, and bottom cut off. It was pretty hot. She was pretty quiet up there and sat and took a good number of dunks. She looked great wet and seemed to be unphased by the cold water. It was great.

Amy and Leann switched back and forth. Each taking about 15 minutes of dunks at a time. It was great. They would get out and wrap up in a towel, dry off, then get back up there. At one point, for some reason they switched shirts. Not sure why. Amy got up once again and a 4 year old girl was throwing from point blank range. I remember as the girl got to ball three, Amy said, "Aw, come on kid." The little girl hit the target with barely any force. The target wobbled and then released and Amy dropped in the water, embarrassingly dunked by a 4 year old girl. When Amy surfaced, she gave the groan of 'you must be kidding' and said, "I hate this job!" With a bit of a snicker.

During this night, I saw a cheerleader I knew, Chris, walking around, not taking part in the dunking machine. I wondered why not, since her teammates were all getting tanked. Oh well. Whatever.

The next day they set the tank up and I was there when it opened. I saw Chris there today in a red cheerleader t-shirt and yellow sweat pants. She was going up sometime!!  Amy sat up there first wearing a white t-shirt with green border on the collar and short sleeved cuffs and green lettering. She sat up there and got dunked on the second ball thrown. After a long night... she was in for a long day. I walked around watching her from behind. Intrigued of course.

After doing some other things, I came back to the queen. Chris was sitting on the hot seat, already soaking wet. She didn't say a word the whole time she was up there, but her posture was priceless. She sat up tall with her hands folded in front of her chest and elbows tight to her sides. Her knees and feet were held together and her toes were curled down, pointing to the tank. She was cold and I loved it.

I walked around the back of the tank and watched from there a bit. It was uninhibited by the screen on the front that protected the girls from stray balls. I liked her feet, for some odd reason. Them being together, pointed down, seeing the skin folds on the bottom of her feet that I could see from behind, dripping with water was awesome. I watched for a long time. Chris got dunked a lot... and I mean A LOT.

On Sunday, as I went by the tank, Chris was up again, this time only in a red bathing suit. Same posture. I loved it.

Chris set the standard by which I hoped every girl would look like while sitting in the tank. Whenever my wife sits in the dunking booth, she sits with her knees together, feet together, pointed down, hands folded in front (or I like them on the lap, or on the seat too). Weird, I know. But hey, can't help what you like.


Here we are again. Another summer, another season to hope to see some women in the dunk tank. As I've gotten older, I've been a little disappointed. Girls don't seem to do the dunk tank as much anymore. It always seems to be guys up there. The girls that DO sit in the tank seem to have a maximum age of 15. Maybe when I was growing up it was that way too, but I was younger so I didn't care (freshman cheerleaders always were sitting in the dunking machine).

Take my kid's carnival. They had a "Dunk the Teacher" booth. I couldn't be there, but my wife texted and said that every person on the schedule was a guy. WTF?!?!?!?!? The school has about 85% female teachers. I think I need to involve myself in the PTA, offer to run the tank, and REALLY do some recruiting.

Well, VBS is in late July this year and we have the dunk tank on the schedule. Definitely looking forward to that since my wife will take the seat at least 4 times.... hopefully we can swing more. The big question is what will she wear? There are a couple PG rated outfits she hasn't worn yet that are on the schedule, but we're kind of out except for the more provocative ones... and at a church function, probably not a good idea.

OOOO!! We do have a pool now! I have swam the past couple days in my clothes to try it out and it is AWESOME!! Now, if I can just figure out how to build a poolside dunk tank like eurodunk.com. I would never leave the house!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Fair

Growing up, the county fair was always the third week of September. Midwestern weather in the early Fall at that time was typical Fall. Comfortable outside, but a bit cooler. Since it happened during the school year, the Fair only operated during the week in the evenings.

There was always a dunking machine at the Fair. The girls that sat in them had to be cold. Evening temperatures were easily in the 50s, but these girls sat there the entire time and took all the dunkings that came to them. These girls were always kind of quiet. They didn't interact with the crowd very much. The person taking the money or handing out balls were the ones drawing the crowd in.

I don't know who they were. I heard later that they were sometimes cheerleaders, but I don't know from where. I just knew they were older and kind of cute. (Really cute when they were wet). They never had a very big crowd around the tank. There was so much to do at the fair, it wasn't the main source of entertainment (well, for most people).... not like the town carnivals where the dunking machine was the only interesting thing going on.

At the fair, a girl would sit on the seat and wait until someone noticed and decided to throw. Most people would miss and I would have to wait a long time to see the girl get dunked. Every once in a while a good thrower would knock her in twice, but dunks were hard to come by. The girl would then sit back up on the seat, dripping wet, and wait for a while until another thrower came by. I always remember their wet legs in the night air looking so soft and smooth. They wouldn't move much. I could tell they were cold. I remembered some sitting up there, with their hands folded and teeth chattering.

This one time, I remember a crowd watching a guy in the tank. He got dunked and then switched with another guy. They both wore white t-shirts and black sweat pants. After the second guy went in a couple times, he switched out with a blonde woman wearing the same thing. The woman climbed up the side of the tank and yelled, "OK, I know you want a girl up here." Yep. We did.

The woman had easy curly blonde hair that was a little longer than shoulder length. She wasn't as girly as most girls I had seen in the sense that she wasn't, "please have mercy on sweet, cute little me." No, she was more brazen. She was actually ASKING people to throw balls and try and dunk her. She would call out individual people and lightly make fun of them until they threw.

A BIG crowd gathered around the tank. Her taunts drew people in. The crowd was reacting to every throw. They wanted her to get wet. Finally someone hit the target and she dropped through the night air into the chilly water. The crowd burst into cheers and applause. She climbed back up, soaking wet and kept running her mouth. The water streamed from her pants. She got dunked several more times. I could tell she was getting cold because she got more quiet.

All and all, it was always a good time. The dunking machine went away for a few years, until our school's majorettes decided to revive it and run it one year.... but that is a story in itself for another time.