Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Exes

My dunk tank obsession is something that is very private to me. I feel I hide it very well. You could see me observing a dunk tank somewhere, but you would never know I was kind of lurking, excited by the whole thing. I, of course, was a bit embarrassed by it at first, but loved it, but didn't want anyone to know, but had to see it..... One of those.

I have had a few girlfriends (or ex-girlfriends) in the dunk tank a few times, but most did not know about how much I liked it. I wasn't ready for that.

For me, growing up, I couldn't see a girl I liked OR one I hated in the dunk tank. It was really weird.

The first person I ever told about my fantasy to was my HS girlfriend Taryn. We had sex a lot and we dated for three years, so we were very close. All she ever wanted to do was turn me on. Sex was the main thing between us, so she was all about it. I'm not even sure how it all came up. I think I just decided one day to tell her about it. It was a bit of a problem because I stupidly told her one of the girls I pictured was one of my ex-girlfriends who I had dunked in a dunking machine MANY times. To me, the turn on wasn't sexual with my ex, it was the action. Taryn didn't get that. She teased me a little in the hall at school one day and said, "I want you to picture ME sitting up there getting dunked!" WHOA! Never had that come to mind. Looking back, she was the kind of girl who would have found out EVERY SINGLE dunk tank in the area and made sure that she had a shift in there.  She would have prepaid for my balls and wanted me to dunk her as many times as possible. If it turned me on, she was all about it. Unfortunately, we broke up before we got the chance to try it out.

In college, another three year relationship, this time with Kaitlyn lead to me letting someone else in on my secret. This came up when we were going to be at a place where there was a dunk tank and anyone could sit in it. I was in my weird, "I don't want to dunk someone I love" mode and told her I didn't like to see her wet. She was a bit offended by that and it kind of pissed her off. I had to fess up and tell her why I said that and about my obsession. She was a bit confused by it and not totally weirded out, but thought it was odd. (It is.... I admit it). She would tell me about times she saw them and ask me some general questions, but she never did much about it. Until one night, after a banquet where she was wearing a sexy black dress, we went back to my place and were having sex. In the middle of sex, she started talking and I'll never forget the words.... "Don't think of me in that black dress. Think of me in that dress but white. And I'm sitting in a dunk tank. You throw a ball that hits the target and I drop into the water...." WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That ended that REAL quick. I shot my wad faster than ever. It also brought the dunk tank thing to a whole new level. She talked about it quite a bit during sex and I loved it. It moved the turn-on dunk tank thing OK for me to picture someone I was in love with. In a way, it evened out the sexual and emotional feelings and once and for all, tied them together.

The problem came in the fact that Kaitlyn did it so much, I wanted to hear about it all the time. Sex became about hearing about her in the dunk tank and not about her. To me, it still was about her, but in a roundabout way. After we had been having some problems, we were still together, but in different places in the summer. I was lifeguarding, she was at a camp. When we got back together in college, she showed me a photo album from camp, just telling me to look through it. I came to one page that had a bunch of pictures of her in the dunk tank. WOW!!!!!!  They had one at camp one day and she wanted to get her picture sitting in it for me. The kids she was with, however, made sure she actually got dunked though too.  It was AWESOME!! It brought us closer together for a while, but after some time, we realized there was something missing in our relationship and we went our separate ways. It was tough.

The only other person I told was my wife. We were just dating and we were talking about turn-ons. I told her I had a weird one, and she egged me on to tell her. So I did. I told her I get turned on by seeing girls in a dunking booth. Her IMMEDIATE response was, "Oh my gosh!! I love those things!! I have always wanted to be in one!!" OK.... she's a keeper. She wasn't just saying that either. Though she doesn't think of them like I do, she said that she always saw them at a few carnivals in her town. She remembers where they were and that there were always girls sitting in them, and that there was always a long line of throwers, and the girls seemed to be laughing and screaming and having a good time. She said she would go to these carnivals and actually seek out the dunk tank just to watch it. She would secretly watch it and think how much fun it would be if she could be the girl sitting in it.

It's nice when wishes do come true!!

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